Popping in from LA

I am sitting on the floor of my hotel room trying to quietly blog while my family sleeps. I try to keep my blog mostly about crafting but this post will be mostly personal so feel free to skip if you are here for the crafting.

First - thank you very much for the condolences - it means a lot that you would take the time and that you are praying for me and my family. This has been a whirlwind of seeing family (very good) and missing Rocky (my very much missed dad in law). People have been wonderful about dropping off food which is very much needed with the size of this family.

The visitation was yesterday and it was open casket - just one look at Rocky annd I knew that my friend and 'dad' was gone. We were only looking at a shell. The service was very nice as they had the kids say the rosary. As a none catholic I hope you understand when I say THAT was a little repetitive and LONG. But it was nice to see the six kids standing up there even if they looked SUPREMELY uncomfortable. They had some pity on them as they let my husband and his brother Paul say the last rosary together.

Later, my husband went up and talked about how concerned his father was about world events and the welfare of those in the world - it was very touching. Then my daughter Annabelle (Bella) went up and talked about how she would miss her granddad and how his art (he painted) inspired her. She was the only granchild to get up and speak and quite a few holdouts lost it (started crying) at that point.

After the service everyone went back too 'mom's' house annd the feeding started again! I have spent a ton of time cooking -- I KNOW - I don't cook! But it had to be done. Today is the funeral and we have the midnight flight back to Minnesota. I miss my home, my cat and my crafting. I feel like I havenn't been able to destress this whole trip. I hope I have my mojo when I get home because as Tim Holtz would say - I need some studio time!

Thanks again for the warm wishes and I hope to return to the 'regularly scheduled programming' soon.


Anonymous said…
Glad to hear Bella went up to talk about her Grandfather. I would have lost it too!
We missed you at the scrap. It was fun having Jill there and I did drink a glass of wine for you!
We will most likely be going there again for the same weekend in 2009.
Jen K
Elena said…
Thank yo ufor sharing about your trip and how everything is goes... I was very touched by your story of your daughter...
Unknown said…
Geez Bella amazes me all the time. What a nice thing for her to do. Glad to hear the family is getting through this tough time together. I made a card for you guys (its in the mail) at the scrap this weekend. Hope to see you in October, if not I will be there in November for the scrap day. Love, Jill
Charith said…
Been thinking about you Tracy, so glad you found some time to pop in. Continued prayers and loving wishes for strength.
Have a good trip home and I hope you get some studio time soon!
Anonymous said…
Wow, What can I say but Wow.
I know I would have been a basket case and am so proud of Belle.
I am glad you are back home and I really hope you get to feeling better and better.

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