
I made these cute little bookmarks from a pattern I got off another blog --- please leave me a comment if you know where. (edit: I found where I got these from Cheeky Magpie) LOVE this pattern. It fits over the corner of the page of the book. These were made as gifts for a group of MSN Scrapping Friends that are getting together IRL in Maine. I will be making some additional small gifts for them to give out as prizes ect. this week. Wish I could send them more but I am trying to keep the spending down and I depleted my on hand supply when I did the Relay for Life donation. Hope you like these! I know the photos arent the best. I keep trying - since I work at night and early in the morning natural light is not really available to me!


Sankari W. said…
What a fabulous idea!!! I love the corner page adorner for a bookmark idea!!! All of yours are so beautiful and creative - love the beautiful embellishments on the corner of the bookmark that flow out - BEAUTIFUL!!! I can't wait to make one of these!!
(Also, Thanks for the sweet birthday wishes Tracy - they were so kind and a great way to start the day!! :)
Annapurna said…
Very nicely done. I am loving the ribbon with all that design on it. Great idea for putting them on the corners.
~Jenn~ said…
Did I read the Maine ladies are getting some of these beautiful bookmarks!!!!!??!?!!? YAY!

As always Tracy, your work is outandingly beautiful. :)

Anonymous said…
These are so cute! I saw the pattern and instructons on Marti's Pez-a-doodle blog also. Yours are outstanding and the Maine croppers will just love them.

Anonymous said…
More GREAT work. I still need to try these. Maybe I can bring some stuff in from the studio what Vanessa is working on her assignments.
Maine ladies will love these.
Tina said…
I love these. I keep thinking I'm gonna do some, and something else gets my attention (namely the boy). Great job, the girls will love them.

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