I will be MIA....

my father in law passed away this morning. We are catching a flight to LA Friday am. In the mean time this is the card I made for my mom-in-law.

my dad in law was a great guy. he and I used to have long chats. I will miss him - he died this morning unexpectedly from a heart attack - he was 80.

(thanks Karen for the help with the brads)


Anonymous said…
Sorry to hear about your father-in-law. We will miss you dearly at the scrap this weekend. We will be thinking of you and your family.
Jen K
Tina said…
Oh Tracy, I am so sorry to hear of this. I'll be keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers.
Anonymous said…
I am sorry to hear about your father-in-law. This card is very nice and I still can't believe you made that while we were talking on the phone.
Annapurna said…
Sorry about your loss. Take care.
Unknown said…
Sorry for your family's loss. I will say an extra prayer. I will definitely miss you as the scrap this weekend. Just when I thought we were going to get to catch up! Guess your nieces and I will just have to have a glass of wine for you!
Janean Campbell said…
Sorry to hear about the loss of someone so dear to you and your family..Hang in there...This is a very nice card.
Sankari W. said…
dear tracy - i am so sorry to hear about your FIL passing. I hope that you and your family are okay during this time. please know that you and your family are in our prayers and our hearts. sending you all our best wishes,
take sweetest care
Sankari :)
Charith said…
I'm so sorry about your FIL, he sounds like a really wonderful person. Having lost my own Dad a month ago yesterday, I can imagine what you and your family are going through with travel plans and everything. Stay safe in your travels and know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Remember, the phone line shortens the distance between us if you want to chat.
(mega-monkey hugs)
Nicole said…
I'm so sorry about your FIL. What a lovely card. I hope the creating was a little therapeutic in dealing with his passing. Hugs to your family.
Maureen said…
Sorry to hear about your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this hard time.
Anonymous said…
I am so sorry for your loss. I am sure that it has barely had time to really hit you guys. My condolences.

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